Call us!


The Trifu Company can offer you a great variety of crowns, wreaths and floral arrangements having the goal that your "Good bye" message can be present in this hard moments when every word is in vain.

We can also make home deliveries if needed.

Information and orders: 0264-450196, 0740-000759.

Aranjamente :: Compania de Pompe Funebre Cluj-Napoca Trifu SRL

Floral Arrangements

Coroane Mari si Medii :: Compania de Pompe Funebre Cluj-Napoca Trifu SRL

Large and Medium Wreaths

Coroane Eroi :: Compania de Pompe Funebre Cluj-Napoca Trifu SRL

Wreaths for heroes

Jerbe :: Compania de Pompe Funebre Cluj-Napoca Trifu SRL
